Why Choose Us?

It is imperative that we equip ourselves to navigate the turbulent and complex world we live in and understand race as the powerful social dynamic it is. A dynamic that affects our personal lives, workspaces, communities and nation as a whole. Our racial and cultural diversity can impact us in a positive or negative way – the choice is ours.

 Te Tiriti o Waitangi provides us with a unique framework for respect and partnership. CCSPI provides the tools needed to move us towards an understanding of what authentic, Te Tiriti based racial equity and inclusion looks like.

Our powerful Protocol enables participants to transition to that space where we genuinely see the intrinsic value of every human person.  A space where we can finally live and work together in a way that enables all of us and our nation to excel, free from the division and fear that plagues us.

Much of the work around race, including the areas of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and the vast array of cultural capability frameworks and workshops available, focus on the theoretical aspects of race and racism, problem definition and evaluation, something external to ourselves. 

In Courageous Conversation®, all participants come to understand their own racialised selves and the huge role that race plays in each of our lives. While Courageous Conversation® draws on contemporary race theory, its Protocol demands as the very first Condition, that practitioners establish a racial context that is personal, local and immediate.

In other words, participants’ stories must be drawn from their lived experience, from the micro as well as the macro spaces in their own lives. The Courageous Conversation® begins with each one of us, and it is from our knowledge of self that we transform the systems we are a part of, one conversation at a time. As such, it is both healing and transformational.

“Our Kaimahi and Partners were amazed by the feedback following this workshop. It changed our thinking on race and left us with invaluable tools. The facilitators were relatable, knowledgeable, and inspirational. I would highly recommend this workshop to everyone in Aotearoa.”
Harley Kaihe-Katterns - Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu
“The workshop offers a compassionate but clear-eyed opportunity for people to consider issues that are essential for a harmonious and just future. I found it inspiring and stimulating. It was a great experience to be in a room of people from many different backgrounds working, with gentle, constructive guidance from the facilitators, to explore racism, inequity and privilege. The exercises gave participants a new way to view what seems to many to be 'normal', and to shift from unknowing complicity to a new awareness of the power we each have to effect change.”
Alexandra Tidswell - Kia Māia Bicultural Communications
"This workshop gave us much to consider, reflect on and the necessary tools to proactively move forward with. We all agreed that ALL organisations need to do this training - it is so valuable not only for personal growth but also good for business."
Louise Gallagher - Ceo, Pannz (Performing Arts Network New Zealand)
“Thank you for the opportunity! The training was always engaging, interesting, real and the most I have gotten out of an online platform for training! Brilliantly delivered.”
Vicky Wright, Manager, Internet New Zealand
“The workshop was a deeply moving experience and created a paradigm shift of thinking about the issues of race for many in the room. With expert guidance, participants were given a sound framework to question their existing beliefs and experiences and were encouraged to embark on courageous conversations regarding the impacts of race and racism. Through the shared humanity of working together, this experience has deepened my aspirations and commitment to achieve equity for all peoples of Aotearoa, New Zealand.”
Emma Hunter - National Consumer Advisor ASARS (All of Salvation Army Services)